What's in a name?
There is one word that fascinates me more than any other: a name. Your name. My name. The words Timothy Gordon Larson are three very ordinary and common words in english speaking countries. And yet for me, and those who know me (and those who will know me) they are far beyond words. They sum up everything there is that is me! To identify ME, this human being that I don't even understand, all you have to say is Tim, or Tim Larson. And the definition is astounding!! It includes my reputation, what you (particularly) think of me, what you know of me. But it also includes everything you DON'T know about me! Because people are relational and are only understood through that context, you can never know someone fully, since we don't even fully know or understand ourselves ... therefore, we make allowances even in the name we have because it is a word that somehow just means everything that I am at this moment in time. I just find that astounding.
What is fascinating to me is that because God is so much more than even we are, His name is unspeakable; perhaps not because we can't pronounce it, or because He'd strike us down if we didn't say it right, but because everything that He is cannot even begin to be summed up in one word! It's as unfathomable as God squeezing Himself into a little baby body.
Makes me wonder what that one name is we get from God.