Sunday, August 29, 2010

A new Larson coming!

A new Larson is arriving soon! We will be expecting #3 sometime early next year we think. We're very excited for this new addition to the family.

The Larson 50/50 baby pool will again begin starting today! Here are the rules, simply stated! Get your guesses in early: Enter the contest by submitting a guess on a variety of categories related to the birth of our third child. Every guess is worth a $5.00 entrance fee up to a maximum of 3 guesses (that's $15.00 worth). A guess MUST include the weight (lbs, ounces), length (inches), date (month, day - I will add the proposed due date for everyone to give a guess ... so you know we've been 11 days and 2 days, respectively, so far), time (a.m. or p.m.), gender and the name (first and middle - we have names picked out for a boy or girl and we don't know the gender). With such a guess you are entered into the contest. Your guesses are only valid with the submittion of the entrance fee(s). The fees can come anytime up until the birth. Contest closes when the specifics are disclosed and the winner (whose combined guesses re closest to the truth) will receive half the winnings. The other half go to the child's education fund.
Submissions can be via e-mail:, phone: 604 860 4403, mail: #2 - 27915 Trans Canada Hwy, Hope BC, V0X 1L0, or submitted as a comment to this post below.

Thanks and happy guessing!