Friday, November 07, 2008

The second Larson child has arrived!! Pictures below!

At 5:24 am this morning Nov. 7th, weighing in at 8 lbs and 11 oz, 21 inches long with a full head of rather curly hair, our second boy Maerk Nils Larson emerged into the world for the first time. The birth was a far less traumatic one from when Griffin was born. Kari is doing very well and we expect to be home from the hospital tomrrow. He's healthy and breast feeding well already. Thank you to all who prayed for us and rejoice with us in this new little life. Sorry, no pictures yet. I will post some as soon as I get some in.

And yes, the baby pool is now officially closed. The winner will be declared shortly.

The baby pool contest is closed and the winner is declared below!

1. Joey Polishak! With a total of 33 pts out of a possible 50 pts!
2. Miles Bissky - a CLOSE second with 32 pts
3. A tie for third between Megan Bissky and Kyle Kjemhus with 29 pts
4. Graham Blackburn with 28 pts
5. Chris Klix with 25 pts
6. Jon Polishak with 24 pts
7. a tie for seventh between Pat Wiens and Dave Wismath with 18 pts


  1. Anonymous2:46 p.m.

    Glad we got to visit Kari and Maerk in the hospital this morning. He's very cute, congrats Tim.

  2. Anonymous7:24 p.m.

    Hey Tim,
    I heard the news through the Larson telegraph system (Nana). Congrats, hope that mom and babe are doing well. I have become intimately involved in the birthing process in the last few months and am always excited when the little creatures start to squawk.
    All the best and hopefully we will catch up over Christmas.


  3. Anonymous5:02 p.m.

    Oh my - what a darling and soooo much hair!!! Many congratulations to you both - love and hugs to all, Auntie Linda & Uncle Bruce

  4. Anonymous5:51 a.m.

    Congratulations, Old Fellow!

    Long time since I've seen you but I'm happy to hear that all is well with the West Coast Larsons.


  5. He's so cute. You need to change your profile info to "Father of 2 beautiful boys"

  6. Anonymous1:15 p.m.

    Congrats Tim and Kari!
    Sending you and your family lots of love.

    Jeni & Aaron

  7. Holy Hair Batman!

  8. A belated congratulations Tim and Kari! You have two beautiful boys!

    Love and Prayers,
    Ashley King
