Monday, October 16, 2006

The reason for miracles

In regards to the feeding of the 5 000 people with a few loaves of bread and some fish, George MacDonald wrote: "The lesson He (Jesus) would have had them (His disciples) learn from the miracle, the natural lesson, the only lesson worthy of the miracle, was , that God cared for His children; and could, did, and would provide for their necessities. ... No doubt the power of the miracle was some proof of His mission, but the love of it proved it better, for it made it worth proving: it was the throb of the Father's heart."

I don't know why, but I, much like all disciples of Christ, have been awed and sometimes dumbstruck by the power of the miracles Jesus performs. But I have so often missed the reason for the miracle: which was not so much to display what God could do, but to prove His endless and boundless love to those He loves and cares for, namely us!

"The miracles of Jesus were the ordinary works of His Father, wrought small and swift that we might take them in. The lesson of them was that help is always within God's reach when His children want it. ... [The miracles] had set forth to them the truth of God's heart towards them; revealed the loving care without which He would not be God."


  1. Anonymous1:07 p.m.

    Did you hear about the flower growing by the prayer room at the church in california? According to Paul Bergman, the flower is supposed to be about 2 feet tall and only bloom like 2 months of the year, but it is currently about 9 feet tall and has been in full bloom for about 8 months or so. Miracle?

  2. Thanks for the MacDonald quote.
